Tuesday 27 September 2016


Image result for woman catch husband cheating
Cheating in relationships in this present day Nigeria has become so rampant that people even have sayings to back it up. They say "men by nature are bound to cheat, men should eat fruit salad, men should take balanced diet and so on”, I'm not trying to say ladies don't cheat here, THEY DO.
 No matter how many stories you hear about couples breaking up over infidelity or families being disrupted because of an indiscretion, people still cheat, home breaks and in alarming numbers. Time and time again, folks get caught and someone gets hurt.

Maybe if we understood why people cheat, we can work harder at preventing it or at least understanding it when it happens. While some folks will forgive, for a lot of couples it's a deal breaker. 

Do you still wonder why some people cheat on their partners? Here are some reasons;

1.      Science have it that there’s a hormone called vasopressin in men which influence their social, paternal and sexual behaviour. This hormone promotes partner recognition, sexual arousal, courtship behaviour, pair bonding and mate guarding. Apparently if it’s present in a man at high rate, he is apt to have problems of being faithful.
2.      Addiction. People who are addicted to physical relations allow their addiction to control their lives, just as someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol.
3.      They think they can control it. This is for people who tend to be leaders in industry or people at the top of their game. They have very beautiful wives and kids at home, but they risk it all for a side chick who can be a neighbour or a random babe at the bar. Think of all the celebrities and politicians that got caught with their pants down and have you wondered why they risk it all. It simply because they feel they can control it.
4.       They see it as normal: offenders don’t see it has bad, rather they see it as a normal way of life. They have convinced themselves that they are not bad people.
5.      Some men just want a physical relationship. Their emotional needs are met at home but they still want something that has no strings attached, so to speak. When they say “She means nothing to me,” he’s actually telling the truth.
6.      They have a risk taker personality. If he’s a gambler or someone who often is willing to take risk with life in general, he is apt to do the same with his personal life.
7.       Here is one aimed at the ladies. Ladies who cheat may have learned it from their parents, peer groups or street aunties.
8.      This is just common sense… they are not getting it at home. For whatever reason, if a couple isn’t practicing the dance with no pants with each other, one or both of them is going to step outside the relationship to get it.
9.      The setting is the he’s out with his friends and here comes this sexy vixen giving him eye. Who’s going to tell?
10.  Low/No content. Life itself is full of content, the content of a book for example could either draw our attention to read it or withdraw our attention from it When couples live by the same routine every day, one of the partners might get bored and decide to seek for fun with another partner
Having a ring on your finger doesn’t mean your partner isn’t cheating, it only makes you the largest shareholder or the lord of the rings *in jenifa’s voice*. There are men/women who cheat with the ring on their finger! Or you think you bf or gf wont cheat because you are his/her social media profile picture?
It’s not a perfect world and people certainly are not perfect. Even if you marry the man or woman of your dreams, there’s always a chance, large or small, that there will be a distraction.

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