Saturday 3 September 2016

It's high time we begin to differentiate about being a ''FAN'' and being a ''FANATIC''.
A fan is someone who likes something because it amuses them and makes them happy. Being a fanatic means that you are a fan to the extent that you are obsessed with the thing you are a fan of.
In Nigeria today, a lot of religious people either christains or muslims are fanatics and not fans not excluding the football lovers too.
We've seen scenerios where people get engaged in argument about there religious beliefs or football clubs with which they end up hurting someone who is not a fan.

I am a fan of chocolate and I know that there are ''chocoholics'' out there, and I may or may not have claimed to be one, but I will not consider myself a fanatic of chocolate. I may call, say, someone like Willy Wonka a chocolate fanatic, if such a person truly existed. I think you get the point I'm trying to make here.

A fan is someone who likes something, a fanatic is someone who likes something to the extreme.
I am a fan of good shoes, that doesn't mean if I can't get my shoes I wouldn't wear slippers and get moving.

FAN OR FANACTIC ? which are you?


  1. Nice 1. It's good to be a fan of what u love and believe in but taking it to an extreme is what bad.

  2. Am a fan of anything tagged quality and remains quality despite all odds but being a fanatic of anything quality......hmmmmm sounds odd Coz nothing lasts forever.
    Wonderful evening to u.

  3. Sterling write up keep it up
