Friday 28 October 2016


Do you accept responsibility for your actions?

Accepting personal responsibility is taking ownership of your own behaviour. Until you accept responsibility for your actions or failures, it’ll be very difficult for you to develop self-respect or even have respect for others.

We all make mistakes and poor choices, but rather than taking responsibilities for them, we blame others and give up our power to change or take actions. Eventually, this poor choices catches up with us and cause more pain down the road when we don’t step up to the situation and take responsibility for it.

Accepting responsibility is an important factor in defining one’s true character. What you do or don’t do is an indication of the type of person you really are. One can easily see someone smoking cigarette or weed with whisky on the other hand under the hot sun of the street of Lagos as irresponsible.

The real difference between being ‘responsible’ and being ‘irresponsible’ is about how well we manage our lives when the opportunity to make good or bad choices present itself.

Failing to accept responsibilities has severe consequences. It has a devastating effect on your mind and heart. When you know you have failed to take responsibility for something that you should, it’ll begin to bother you, to eat you little by little. Pretty soon, you’ll feel very small inside. It may sound like an exaggeration, but it’s the truth.

Be accountable for your choices, a responsible person never give excuses or blame others for mistakes he/she makes.

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