Saturday 15 April 2017

A Woman With No Vision Will Soon Become Irrelevant To The Man She Loves

On several occasions I have heard ladies saying they've done everything to please their man but yet he still messes up or acts funny one way or the other. Sometimes they say he's not has interesting as he was before, he has changed e.t.c at the end it balls down to the question >> WHAT EXACTLY DOES A MAN WANT?

Image result for a woman with no vision

A man wants a woman with dreams and ambitions, so they can conquer the world together through the rough and tough days. Team work makes the dream work.

As proud as men can be, they truly appreciate a woman that has vision (not a woman that will sit close to her TV from morning till night watching Telemundo and Zee world like there would be no tomorrow) and even if their ego won't allow them to voice it, trust me they respect her.

As a lady if you depend on a man to make your hair, nails and attend to other needs, believe me you'll loose respect, you'll loose his attention as well because as time goes on he'll see you as a pest, as a result you will become irrelevant to the man you love.

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