Monday 17 April 2017

Be Your Own Kind Of Beautiful

They keep saying beautiful is something a lady needs to be, but honestly forget that! Don't be a pretty girl with no purpose. Being beautiful is not just about wearing the best make up. As a matter of fact you can get your make up done by the best make~up artiste and still remain ugly. I am sure we must of have seen cases of girls from very rich background who look expensive and yet still look ugly. Likewise we've seen girls from poor homes who'll just look normal and yet still beautiful.

Not to judge, but there was this girl at my former place of work who claimed she takes Uber from her house to the office (Omole estate to Yaba) everyday to and fro in the city of Lagos where traffic jam is inevitable. This was someone who was earning as a graduate trainee, I'm sure we know what the salary scale looks like. Now, the problem is not that she takes uber, but the problem is that she was being wasteful, she couldn't utilize her resources, as a result she'll be left with nothing at the end. To me and some other people, she wasn't beautiful although she have a good look.

Be intelligent, be witty, be adventurous, be funny, be talented, be skillful, be interesting, there are several things you could be other than beautiful. Be your own definition of amazing, be beautiful in your own way, it's not all about the pretty face. BE YOU!

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