Friday 20 October 2017

Managing Your Religion & Your Marriage

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Building a relationship with God is as important as building a good marital relationship, but what happens when the person we truly love practices a different religion?

In the New Testament of the bible, the savior asks us to love one another. In fact, the exact phrase "love one another" appears 11 times in the New Testament. Loving others feels like a commandment that is easy to keep - that is, until we discover that our new husband's family doesn't celebrate Christmas  - our favorite holiday - or doesn't agree with us on deeper religious values.

Here are some few questions to ask oneself  to know if you'd be able to manage your partner's religion before getting married.

 This is a major question to put into consideration. You should be able to respect one another's point of view and remember that religion is a personal choice. The other person's beliefs should be respected and not insulted in order to build a strong foundation.

Often, if you take a minutes to delve into the underlying themes of most religions, you'll find out that they have a central line of thought that focuses on morality and goodness -- the golden rule that helps govern the way you live your life. Although, you are practicing different religion, you can find similarities on what religion means to you as a spiritual couple. Just as the saying goes that both Christians and Muslims worship the same God.

Whether you like it or not, pressure will come most especially form the husband's family. Even though modern times have allowed for a more open-minded approach to relationships, especially when marrying outside of your religion. But what happens when your family hasn't caught up with the times? (most especially Yoruba homes where culture & religion are valued).

This is another major question to put into consideration. If you have build your relationship on tolerance and respect, parlay that into communicating what you want religiously for your children and compromise with what your spouse wants. Make a plan and stick to it. Don't leave the children confuse making them believe one religion is inferior to the other. You can have your kids attend different places of worship on alternating weekends, or perhaps you will keep them informed and educated about both religions and eventually let them choose their own path.

If our answer to the above question is YES, then we can go ahead with someone who practices a different religion, but if  NO i'll kindly advice same religion relationship.

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It caused traffic. Lmao #Bobrisky

Got something you want us to talk about or feel like sharing?? Send your topics/articles to  …anonymous or not, you decide.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog! Don't forget to share. I'll love to read your questions, thoughts, opinions and ideas on this article in the comment section below.

Friday 13 October 2017


Recently I've been preaching against using harsh creams and chemicals to turn the lips pink. Whether you like it or not using harsh chemicals or creams on your lips is BLEACHING, which might result in turning the lips into burnt black later on.

Pink lips look beautiful and it's not hard to achieve if one can be consistent.

The good news is that you can use some natural method for a natural pink lips that you want to achieve. Trust me this method works wonders!


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Don't forget to moisturize your lips regularly. Your lips need plenty of moisture. To prevent flaking and chapped  lips, applying a bit of lip balm or Vaseline can do the trick. Not only will you keep it moist but they'll appear healthy.


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Beetroot juice is a great ingredient that will help you get the pink lips you want. Rub some beetroot juice on your lips before going to bed at night. It works wonders on darker lips, it will lighten the lips and also give them a healthy and pink appearance.

Beetroot can be gotten from any fruit market closer to you.


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Another great option is to make your DIY sugar scrub for your lips. This is actually on of my favorite.
Mix a bit of lemon juice and sugar together, and you'll have a fabulous scrub that will help eliminate the dead skin from your lips.
Apply and scrub the lips with this mixture. Lips will feel great and also look beautiful and pink even if you have coffee stains on the lips.

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Using a toothbrush with soft bristles can help you exfoliate your lips. Add a little water to the toothbrush and gently rub on the lips. Once you remove the dead skin, they'll be pink, silky and soft. This can be done every morning after brushing the teeth.


Honey is a sweet, delicious way to keep the lips looking pink the natural way. Infact , it's an interesting Do It Yourself  natural way to nourish your lips.
Simply apply little honey at night before you go to bed. Result will be seen  seven days after consistent usage.

Thursday 5 October 2017

What if I didn't start? ⠀

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and shoes   Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and shoes

I have been going through a time of serious throw backs; reviewing my life, reviewing the year, reviewing the current situation of the economy and doing some little forecasting.

Then this one question keeps popping up my mind, which is: What if i didn't start?

If I didn't start my learning process, I wouldn't have known the little I know today.

If I didn't start, I would not have grown in my personal and business success.

If I didn't start, I wouldn't have developed myself personally and academically.

If I didn't start, I wouldn't have known my God-given capacity.

If I didn't start, I wouldn't have reached for my potentials.

If I didn't start, there wouldn't have been titi akinmusere's blog.

If I didn't start, you won't be reading this today.

If I didn't start, I or someone else wouldn't see what is possible or not:

To be honest, I feel a little behind schedule because there is so much I believe am yet to accomplish, but yet.... I am grateful as I reflect. What if I didn't start?

Today, I ask you to consider what's at stake it you don't start now. Think about all the people waiting on you to finally live out your purpose. As the saying goes.....For one particular destiny, there are so many destines attached to it. Think about where you'll be this time next year. Will you be thinking of starting or will you be in grateful reflection asking "What if I didn't start?"

Wednesday 4 October 2017

It is only in Nigeria one would travel to India and come back with British accent

This morning I met with someone who told me "I have a girlfriend, she's everything, i want to marry her but my problem is that she doesn't speak grammars and phonology." 

Abeg who grammar epp?

The question is since when did English grammar turn to a criteria to marry someone? Why do we attach so much importance to English Language? We hear people insulting others that you cannot construct a simple sentence, you can't even write properly, you've got poor diction, you can't speak properly e.t.c which only we find in Nigeria.

In other part of the world people are comfortable speaking their own language. It's only in Nigeria you'll speak with someone over the phone in your local dialect and the person will respond speaking English. It is mere foolishness for you not to know how to speak your language but it is pride for a Nigerian to tell you oh... I am from Osun state, I am from Awka-Ibom but I can't speak my language.

It is only in Nigeria one would travel to India and come back with British accent, travel to Dubai- a city where the Arabians can't speak English then come back to Nigeria with american accent.

What makes an effective communication is about how we send and receive messages, be it in English language or in your local dialect and not by grammars and phonology.

Happy Wet Wednesday!

Friday 29 September 2017


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Some  guys think virginity makes a good wife. Virginity is a pride to a woman. After your first copulation, it will exist no more. So don't marry because she is a virgin, marry because she's a wife. A good wife is a 👑crown of the husband. Seek that good wife.

Womanhood is a cycle: daughter to wife to mother. Any lady who fails as a daughter is a mistake for a wife. Because a lady is trained as a daughter to become the crown of her husband. Marrying a virgin is a pride but it does not guarantee successful 💍marriage. 
Seek the good qualities that make a woman a wife. To those guyS who are single, find a wife, I mean a good wife. Don't ruin your 👫marriage for the want of a virgin.
VIRGINITY does not guarantee a successful marriage.... And for the virgins, acquire the good qualities of a wife, don't make that pride you kept so long to the last day become a waste.